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Let’s Learn About Craft Beer Franchise Support With Tacocat!

Let’s Learn About Craft Beer Franchise Support With Tacocat!

Let’s Learn About Craft Beer Franchise Support With Tacocat!

So, you’re thinking about opening a Voodoo Brewing Co. craft beer franchise in your neck of the woods. Obviously, we’re thrilled—we’re always on the lookout for amazing humans to carry the good Voodoo name to U.S. cities from coast to coast!

But we also understand that owning a craft beer franchise can be a hell of a big deal, and we totally get that you’ve got some questions about the level of support you’re going to get from the corporate team once you’ve opened your doors.

That’s why we approached our Director of Franchise Operations, the incomparable Andrew “Tacocat” Volanski, to address your potential concerns head-on and show you exactly how and why we do franchising differently from other concepts in the food and beverage industry. Take it away, Tacocat!


Can you please give me a brief overview of the opening support a Voodoo Franchise Owner can expect from you and other members of the leadership team?

Pre-opening really starts from the minute you sign the franchise agreement. From that moment, we start weekly meetings where we walk you through the process of finding real estate with our national real estate brokers (CBRE) and finding a site. Once we find a site location, we lock in a lease, and then you get a store number and task card. The task card has a bunch of things to do on it by certain dates. These include things like ordering glassware, kitchen equipment, setting up point-of-sales systems, virtual training, and more.

On your actual Grand Opening week, some of the Voodoo Executive Team, including me, come out to your franchise location and do a very regimented and deep training. We’re working with front-of-house staff, as well as the management team. Our culinary director, Sean Kirzyc, is working with the chefs and back-of-house. It’s really a five to seven-day pre-opening training process, with several days of training and a very intentional soft opening to grand opening process.

What are some of the most common issues, opening-day jitters, etc. you have to combat when opening a new Voodoo brewpub franchise location?

The whole point of Voodoo is that you don’t need previous experience to open. A lot of pre-opening jitters are from the standpoint of, “What about this? Well, what if this happens?!” They’re more worried about what could happen, rather than any actual issues. Running a bar is very fluid—you have to go with the ebb and flow of it and work with what is thrown at you.

For your Grand Opening, we don’t leave and we are there to support you. If you’re getting backed up or are falling behind, I’m there cleaning glasses or helping to clean tables with you. We don’t leave you behind even after that Grand Opening. 

In your opinion, what are some of the most important aspects of the support you provide for new Franchise Owners in advance of their Grand Opening? 

The most important aspect is really the cultural knowledge we provide. Personally, I’ve been with Voodoo for almost 8 years now. It’s knowing why we do things a certain way. It’s a bit different from a restaurant business model, but there’s a reason for it. It’s the knowledge of how and why we do things that contribute to success for Franchise Owners. 

What are some of the mistakes other franchises make in terms of training and support that Voodoo tries to actively avoid? How does Voodoo do it differently?

As I mentioned earlier, we have weekly calls with Franchise Owners and then part of those calls are additional weekly training calls with the Director of Training. Each week those training calls teach a different subject. One week it can be the point of sales system, another week it’s inventory management, or people management. Each week it’s a different topic. We have that pre-opening virtual call, then about four weeks before the Grand Opening we invite you and your management staff to one of our locations and work at the bar and kitchen to get hands-on experience before you open your location. Then the pre-Grand Opening, or the soft opening, is there with us in person working with us up until your Grand Opening. It’s very hands-on, which I think we do differently than most. We’re always touching base and checking in.

Let’s say a Voodoo Franchise Owner has their Grand Opening and still doesn’t feel 100% confident about operating their location on their own. How far does the support extend until a Franchise Owner is able to run the business “without a net?” Also, what steps do you take to make sure they feel ready to stand on their own two feet before you leave?

After your Grand Opening, we don’t immediately leave you behind. We stay for two or three days after your Grand Opening, after the dust sort of settles, and go over any concerns or worries. We do all this training beforehand and then during the soft and Grand Openings were there to sort of watch and make sure everything is running smoothly. If we, as the corporate team, notice potential issues we can tell Franchise Owners to try it a certain way or do it differently. 

Even after we leave your location and you’re running your day-to-day operations, our calls don’t stop. Even four to six weeks after opening, we still have a time slot to meet with you and we are still touching base every single week. Even after that, once weekly calls end, we have monthly functional calls. Every month there’s a marketing meeting, operations meetings, and culinary meetings. We’re not just like, “You’re open, bye!”

Finally, do you have any advice for prospective Franchise Owners dreaming of their Voodoo Opening Day in their city? Any words of wisdom about how to get adequately prepared?

The best way to prepare is to be adaptable. I think in the hospitality industry, in bars and restaurants, and even more specifically in the craft beer industry, having the ability to be adaptable and to roll with the punches and roll up your sleeves is so important. 

Here’s the situation, grab it, and make the best of it, rather than freezing or freaking out. Being adaptable is so huge when you’re six people deep ordering at a full bar, completely filled. It’s like, “You have a busy bar— that’s badass!” 

Be adaptable and don’t get overwhelmed. Take it one person at a time. 

Work with Tacocat! Own a craft beer franchise with Voodoo Brewing Co. 

Now’s your chance to get in on our special brand of franchise support as a Voodoo Brewing Co. craft beer Franchise Owner. Work with Tacocat and the rest of our experienced Executive Team to realize your dream of owning the baddest craft brewpub in town. We’ll be there for you from the day you sign your franchise agreement through Grand Opening and beyond! 

Still have questions? Learn more about how you can get started bringing Voodoo Brewing Co. to your hometown here.

Is Owning a Craft Beer Franchise in a Recession a Good Idea?

Is Owning a Craft Beer Franchise in a Recession a Good Idea?

Is Owning a Craft Beer Franchise in a Recession a Good Idea?

Show of hands: how many of you remember the Great Recession of 2008?

For those of you too young to remember (or those of you who are plenty old enough but have chosen to block it out of your memory), here’s a brief recap:

According to Investopedia, the Great Recession is considered the most significant economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s and was partly caused by the housing bubble burst, causing large amounts of mortgage-backed securities and derivatives to lose substantial value. While the Great Recession officially lasted for about 18 months in the U.S., spanning from December 2007 to June 2009, it set a global financial crisis in motion that would continue to be felt for years. Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that, and you can read about it here if you’d like a little more depth, but those are the basics.

We know what you’re probably thinking. “Cool story. But what does this have to do with operating a craft brewery franchise?” Kind of a lot. You see, we speak with prospective franchise investors every day who are interested in opening a Voodoo brewpub in their neck of the woods. These are fun-loving folks who appreciate quality beer and dig the idea of owning their own badass brewpub business that gives them the perfect balance between work and play.

You know what else they are? Smart, savvy businesspeople. Even if this is their first franchising venture ever, they have the soft skills and background to understand what makes something a good investment. Because of this, they also understand that before they go all in on a Voodoo craft beer franchise, they should probably figure out how the industry has historically performed in times of recession. Because, friends, if there’s one certain thing about the economy, it’s that it is constantly fluctuating. Taking time to vet a franchise—heck, the entire industry—before investing is just the smart thing to do, and we encourage it. So, in that spirit, here’s a little bit about how the craft beer industry has historically performed in times of financial hardship.

This just in: people love beer.

It probably comes as no surprise when we tell you that, bear market or bull market, it’s always a beer market. In fact, the alcoholic beverage industry tends not only to survive but to thrive in a down market. That’s partly due to the lipstick effect, a marketing theory that contends that people are more likely to indulge in small, relatively affordable luxuries (like, well, lipstick) during periods of economic downturn when they are less likely to be able to afford larger luxury items like expensive cars or vacations.

Craft beer certainly fits the profile of an affordable luxury whose sales could benefit significantly from the lipstick effect. People trying to tighten their belts and avoid spending during a recession will still make an exception for a delicious beer or two at their favorite local brewpub. In fact, the craft beer industry has an extra ace up its sleeve when it comes to lipstick-effect spending: the inherently social nature of beer drinking. Regardless of the economy, people are happy to gather at their local watering hole with their friends and kick back a few cold ones over a friendly game of darts or pool. And thanks to what we just said about people craving affordable luxury items during times of recession, people seek more value in a craft beer experience than in drinking a commercial beer they could just as easily get at their local grocery store. People who consider themselves craft beer aficionados are far more willing to spend a little extra on a quality product like what we make at Voodoo. When they go out, they want beer that is brewed in small batches and available only at select brewpub locations, not just any random beer.

Voodoo’s Chief Operating Officer, Tom ‘Mr. Clean’ Harper explained concisely in a recent interview how our unique model and destination-brand status have allowed us to grow exponentially, not just surviving but thriving even as other restaurants and bars had to close their doors over the past two years.

“The Voodoo pub unit economics are unlike any in the current restaurant space,” said Harper, adding, “we have embraced new technologies that successfully combat labor availability…Voodoo pubs, on their busiest evenings, can operate with a staff of 10 employees.  This is unheard of in any other concept with most needing staffing levels of 20-plus employees on their busiest occasions.

voodoo brewery franchise bar shot

In other breaking news, gathering with friends is fun.

And then, of course, there’s that elephant in the room that we’re tired of mentioning. But this time, it’s a beneficial thing. We’re talking, of course, about our old nemesis, COVID-19. We’re two years out from discovering what it’s like when the world literally shuts down. (Spoiler: it totally sucked.) Because the experience of not getting to go anywhere is still pretty fresh in our memories, people may place a greater premium on being able to meet friends at restaurants or bars. They may be more likely to splurge on doing so when the opportunity arises.

Fortunately for Voodoo craft beer Franchise Owners, getting friends together is what we’re all about. “We encourage personal face-to-face interactions,” Harper notes. “Put the phone down, except to order something, and talk to your friends about what is happening in your life. We spent so much time talking over computers during COVID that we forgot that humans are essentially pack animals that thrive in numbers. Voodoo venues help us go back to that essential behavioral need of love and companionship.”

As of June 2022, 77 percent of all respondents to this survey said they feel comfortable dining out at restaurants. This number is only expected to climb higher as COVID positivity rates continue to decline and we get even closer to living life as we did in the Before Times. This is a huge plus for any restaurant or bar owner, regardless of what the economy is doing: people are sick and tired of staying home and doing nothing, and getting together with friends over an ice-cold beer sounds pretty damn good right about now!

How owning a craft beer franchise like Voodoo can help you cash in on a recession-resistant industry.

So now you’re probably thinking, “Okay, that’s great data but isn’t it always kind of risky to open a restaurant or a bar? After all, don’t, like, two-thirds of all restaurants fail within the first year?”

First of all, that statistic is out of date. While reports dating back to 2016 cite the first-year failure rate of restaurants at around 60 percent, these days, it’s more like 30 percent.

Secondly, of those restaurants that don’t make it to their one-year anniversary, the majority are independently-owned places facing issues like an undefined concept, poor staff management, insufficient investment in marketing, or lack of capital.

Franchising with Voodoo takes all of that risk off the table from day one. Being part of a craft beer franchise means getting to work with industry heavy-hitters like Harper and having a clearly defined concept, a small, easy-to-manage staff of enthusiastic employees, a strong marketing strategy, and a dedicated executive leadership team to ensure that staff members at each location are being trained and managed to uphold brand standards.

First off, when it comes to a strong, solid concept, it’s hard to mistake our unique, eclectic feel for literally any other craft brewpub out there. “Voodoo pubs do not look or feel like any other restaurant establishment on the market today,” says Harper. “Our interiors are hip and cool; our beers, cocktails, and food items taste amazing and have a shareable vibe.”

Additionally, we don’t like to brag, but we’re going to go ahead and say it: Voodoo fans love Voodoo beer, and nothing will stop them from getting it. The reason we got these rabid fans behind us in the first place is that they know they can count on a fantastic experience every time they visit. When people walk into a Voodoo pub, they know precisely the level of quality they’re going to get, and they are happy to pay for their experience. “Whether in difficult or prosperous times, quality will always remain in high demand,” says Harper.

This may not be the case at other restaurant or brewery franchises, who might use some smoke-and-mirrors tactics or “shrink-flation” strategies to get people in the door for a lower price. Harper notes, “While most concepts will engage in deep discount strategies, usually unsuccessful attempts to retain market share, Voodoo will never devalue the brand by engaging in a price war. Consumers will be reassured that they will get only the highest quality ingredients when consuming Voodoo branded products.”

Also, our brewery franchise model allows Owners to keep a tight ship with a minimal staff, which makes managing employees easier. Harper points out, “Our pubs do not require a large staff, and people want to work in a craft beer establishment.” And, of course, when you’re selling an amazing product like Voodoo craft beer, it’s hard NOT to attract die-hard beer lovers who want to work there as much as we want them to. “We are opening pubs, and when we source talent, we generally have too many applicants and turn folks away,” says Harper.

Finally, with a starting investment of just $331,750, a Voodoo craft beer Franchise Owner could be looking at a lot less than the average startup cost of an independently-owned bar, which can run you up to $850,000. This explains Harper is primarily due to Voodoo’s strategy of sourcing second-generation real estate in hidden-gem locations.

“We do not target very expensive ‘A’ real estate,” he says. “Occupancy costs have increased disproportionately with revenue and have taken an unhealthy piece of available costs. Additionally, Voodoo is a destination brand, and people will travel to ‘B’ and ‘C’ locations to enjoy our products and services.”

Simply put, a Voodoo craft beer Franchise Owner will likely need to worry a lot less about making money and keeping the doors open than a typical independent pub owner. Or, as Harper puts it: “Managing labor and occupancy can provide Franchise Owners with healthy margins and, more importantly, strong enterprise valuation models which become very attractive to new investors.”

Work = Love for Voodoo Franchise Owners

Look, we’re not going to sit here and tell you that owning a craft beer franchise is easy. Our Franchise Owners are as dedicated as they come and put a crap-ton of time and energy into making their Voodoo locations the coolest places in town. But it’s a labor of love, and that’s not something many people can say about their 9-to-5 corporate gig.

Harper notes, “Working for someone has its benefits; however, true personal and professional satisfaction comes from being a true entrepreneur. This means individuals get to see and feel exhilaration, sorrow, frustration, joy, and inspiration at levels previously missed. THAT is what life and franchise ownership are all about—feeling and experiencing every emotion available. Given the incredible shortness of human life, there is no greater journey.”

Also, having an amazing support system to back them gives Voodoo Franchise Owners an instant leg up on any competition they may face. When you’re part of the Voodoo crew, you can rest easy knowing that folks like Tom ‘Mr. Clean’ Harper himself, along with our Founder Matteo Rachocki, Master Brewer Curt Rachocki, and our president Jake Voelker are behind you every step of the way, from pre-opening to ongoing marketing and operations support. After all, we’ve got the good Voodoo name riding on your success, and we want more than anything to see your location become a hit in your market and get a whole new crop of beer lovers to fall in love with our liquid gold.

Harper says Voodoo Franchise Owners can count on “Knowing full well that my team and I will be there, 24/7, to help fulfill whatever is necessary to ensure the success of their business. Franchise Owner candidates must always remember, Voodoo success is entirely dependent upon their success, not the other way around!”

The Bottom Line

Yes, the beer and alcohol industry has historically performed well in times of economic downturn. No, not every craft beer-related investment will pan out over the next several years. However, owning a craft beer franchise with Voodoo can help mitigate a lot of the headaches and stress that come with owning a pub or restaurant, regardless of the state of the economy.

What does Tom Harper foresee for Voodoo and its craft beer Franchise Owners in the coming years? While he doesn’t have a crystal ball, his decades of franchising experience and deep understanding of business economics have led him to predict growth, prosperity, and plenty of good vibes. “Consumers will find comfort in the Voodoo line of products during challenging times and will also enjoy these same products during times of celebration and joy,” he says, adding, “I do believe that whichever direction the broader U.S. economy travels, in this instance, the journey is entirely man-made; largely driven by post-COVID corrections that will be resolved very quickly, with the underlying economic base remaining very strong.”

 In short, he notes, “I am very excited about the prosperous times coming in 2023 and 2024.”

Want to own a craft beer franchise with Voodoo? Talk to us here.

Voodoo Brewing Co. Thrives During Economic Uncertainty

Voodoo Brewing Co. Thrives During Economic Uncertainty

Voodoo Brewing Co. Thrives During Economic Uncertainty

With all the recent talk of recession, it might seem like you should wait to open your brewery franchise. But we’re here to show you that despite the economic picture, now may be the best time to make your dream of owning your own business a reality.

Here’s what you need to know:

The economy falls, and alcohol sales rise.

Let’s step back to April 2020 — the early days of the pandemic — when everyone was forced to hang out at home all day, and the unemployment rate soared from 4.4% to 14.7% practically overnight. Alcohol sales, however, increased by 19% over the same time period.

The craft beer drinker loves a good brew, no matter how troubled the economy. In fact, during the banking and mortgage crisis of 2008, small independent craft brewery sales increased by 5.8% by volume and 10.5% in sales year over year. Conversely, other imported beer brands were down by -4% from 2007.

Voodoo Brewing Co. offers customers not only beer but also great food and an inviting, comfortable experience. A place where friends and family gather to connect after a long day, opening a Voodoo in your town brings people together in both good and bad, ultimately cultivating a stronger sense of community.

Beer never goes out of style.

Alcohol has long been considered recession resistant. Indeed, the craft beer industry is worth $26.8 billion and witnessed a 21% sales increase in 2021. People will always love their favorite craft brews regardless of their employment status or bank account value. That’s mainly because craft beer is a low-cost luxury that almost anyone can indulge in compared to other high-dollar personal expenses like electronics, new cars, or vacations.

Always mindful of expenses, our Voodoo franchise business model helps you keep costs right where they need to be. Many of our craft beers are created by “Mad Scientist” Curt and professionally designed, so all you have to do is sell them. To make it even easier, our corporate team serves as a resource to help with hiring, staff management, setting up your reps, and helping place your orders.

It’s the perfect time to start a business.

Did you know Airbnb was founded in 2007 during The Great Recession? Their team came together to defy the odds and start their dream business. And by 2021, Airbnb was a $113-billion-dollar company.

We know you’re looking to sell beer, not to build a short-term rental empire, but we’re sharing this anecdote to inspire you as we move closer to an inevitable economic downturn. It may seem counterintuitive, but a recession is an ideal time to embrace your dreams and start your own business.

Here’s why:

Few brewery franchise competitors compare with our industry support: With lower-than-average financial requirements, minimal equipment requirements, and an all-inclusive financial investment, Voodoo allows you to open a pub pouring craft beer on tap for 75% less than a competing brewing franchise.

Build a lean, trustworthy team: People learn how to do more with less during recessions, and applies to restaurants and breweries. Yet, unlike most of these establishments, the Voodoo Brewing Co. business model is structured like European-style beer halls, which operate with teams of six or fewer employees.

Simplified operations: We’ve made all of our standard procedures as streamlined and efficient as possible to ensure you become as profitable as you’d like. So, in addition to your lean operations team, you only need two suppliers: One for food and another for beer.

Cheaper credit opportunities: Things typically cost less during a recession, and interest rates also begin to drop. That means loans and credit cards are more accessible for businesses to get their hands on.

Less expensive real estate: In 2008, more than 4,000 restaurants closed in 12 months. But these closings also create lower-cost building rental opportunities for new Franchise Owners to move in and capitalize on second-generation real estate.

Now that you know there’s nothing to fear about starting your own business during a recession, it’s time to talk about the Voodoo Brewing Co. difference.

Low upfront costs, high rewards

We get it. Planning for a recession is seldom easy, especially if you’re looking to make a financial investment or start your own business.
Our team has spent years developing (and perfecting) the Voodoo franchise business model, transforming it into a cost-effective, all-inclusive investment. With a Voodoo Franchise, aspiring entrepreneurs can expect to pay $1 million less than the average microbrewery investment.

The financial investment costs

You can expect your initial financial investment to be anywhere from $331,750 –$762,500*. This may seem like a lot at first blush; however, this is an all-inclusive cost, so the initial investment provides you with everything you need to succeed with your Voodoo Brew Pub Franchise. And to put things into perspective, the average initial restaurant financial investment is more than $1 million ($1,047,500).

So wouldn’t you rather own a kick-ass brewery instead?

We brew it; you sell it.

Brewmaster and “Mad Scientist,” Curt is behind the scenes crafting all the beer for Voodoo Franchise Owners. Not only does this mean you’ll need minimal equipment in your location, but you don’t need to worry about mastering the brewing process on your own. We brew it and ship it to you, so you can bring your community some of the most reputable beers without brewing a single keg yourself.

Less equipment, less cost

Contemplating all the hidden fees associated with owning your restaurant or brewery can make you hesitant to chase your dream. And one significant expense is the equipment you must invest in just to start.

To operate an average microbrewery, you’ll need everything from kegs, kettles, boilers, and canning lines to storage tanks, brite tanks, pumps, and more. If that sounds like a lot, that’s because it is.

But Voodoo is anything but average. Franchise Owners never need to worry about the nitty-gritty equipment associated with brewing beer. With our “we brew it, you sell it” business setup, we’ll take care of all that for you. (You can thank us later.)

More accessible

Did you know that some restaurants and microbreweries require individuals to have at least $1 million in net worth per location? That’s not always easy, whether you’re just starting to test the franchising waters or starting your own business during a recession.

With Voodoo, the required net worth is only $450,000, and you’ll receive all the support you need to stay ahead of your goals.

We keep things streamlined.

Once a Franchise Owner is set up and ready to go with Voodoo, we do whatever we can to help. We ensure they have a consistent line of support via site visits, operational support, vendor management, culinary reviews, and vendor supply chain management. We look for existing connections in the area and assist Franchise Owners with everything from gas and plumbing to beer and tap lines. We take these additional steps to ensure our Franchise Owners’ costs are as low as possible.

It’s simple: You invest in us, so we invest in you.

Our lean European beer hall setup

Our locations mimic a European beer hall design, so counter service is crucial. Customers ordering and picking up from a counter eliminates the need for traditional servers and minimizes employee requirements.

This efficient business model allows Franchise Owners to run a brewpub with a staff of roughly six employees. Lower labor expenses, limited overhead, and the Owner support provided by our experienced brew team all add to a fun, fulfilling, and profitable business.

Voodoo Brewing Co - Bar BG

Recession-proof your revenue streams

When you start hearing conversations about recessions and economic downturns, you also hear about the importance of diversifying your revenue streams.

With Voodoo Brewing Co., you don’t need to worry about low cash flow due to minimal revenue streams. Instead, you can take on the workday confidently, knowing that several different revenue streams are built into the franchise business model.

Blow your competition away with YOUR local menu

On average, 25%–35% of our sales come from food. And with our tasty fare, you don’t need deep fryers or large, expensive restaurant equipment. In addition to a partnership with Sysco, our corporate team works to lower your costs and deliver high-quality ingredients by locally sourcing the food for you.

The Voodoo swag

You can expect around 3%–5% of your overall sales from retail merchandise. But after you’ve staked your claim in your community and have left a favorable impression on enough beer lovers, your retail merchandise profits will increase with time.

Kick-ass beer!

The thing to remember is that beer is a largely recession-resistant commodity. Even if your pub food and retail sales aren’t exactly where you want them to be, you can count on your beer sales to keep you afloat during the tough times.

Non-alcoholic options

We get it; our brews aren’t for everyone. We also sell non-alcoholic drinks like nitro coffee and teas for guests who prefer not to imbibe.

Since we accommodate everyone from beer drinkers to cocktail sippers to teetotallers, we’re a top choice when a group of friends is looking for a happy hour after a long workday.

Making a switch to home delivery

During the COVID-19 pandemic, certain states like New York, Texas, and the District of Columbia (D.C.) responded to the pandemic by allowing restaurants to serve alcohol in to-go containers. Many of these establishments are still allowed to deliver alcohol to their consumers, which adds an extra revenue stream from which your future franchise can benefit.

In the post-pandemic world, alcohol delivery will still be an ample opportunity. A recent industry research report showed us that 44% of U.S. consumers only started buying alcohol online in 2020. The demand will continue to rise over the years and remain a prevalent profit stream for breweries and restaurants. With home delivery, individuals can have their favorite craft brews on-demand, stock up their fridge, gift them to a friend, and enjoy instant gratification.

With almost endless at-home marketing opportunities for Franchise Owners, the Voodoo Brewing Co. team helps with the operational components so you can work on the marketing initiatives you need to increase demand.

Start your next journey with Voodoo Brewing today.

Every moment comes with its challenges, setbacks, and opportunities; there’s no reason to put off opening your brewery because of the economy.

A recession has nothing on Voodoo Brewing Co.!

We developed our business model so Franchise Owners could find a low-cost investment that yields high results. The Voodoo Brewing team understands the ins and outs of the entire business, and since we want to see you succeed, we’ll give you all the resources you need to do just that. We have your back every step of the way!

If you’re serious about taking the plunge, let’s do it. There’s no better time than now!

Request more information today to see if Voodoo’s a good fit for you.

Opening Your Own Brew-Pub: Choose Voodoo!

Opening Your Own Brew-Pub: Choose Voodoo!

Opening Your Own Brew-Pub:

Choose Voodoo!

We’re living in a different time. It is a time when individuals no longer want to deal with the BS of the 9-5 and are choosing to live and do things they enjoy. It’s said that 4.53 million Americans quit their corporate jobs during the Great Resignation. If you think that number is insanely high, that’s because it is! We also have to admit; that it’s pretty kick-ass to see so many individuals across the United States quit their job and break away from the corporate grind to do something, they’re passionate about. 

And we’re here to tell you; that you can do it too.

If you’ve been sitting on the edge of your seat, unsure where to go next, you’ve come to the right place. 

We want to help you live a more fulfilling life with less structure and more fun by opening up your very own brewpub. 

If 4.53 million Americans can do it… chances are, you can do it, too.


Why you should own your own business

The advantages of owning your own business are all the same as leaving the corporate grind. You get your freedom back, enjoy life the way it was always meant to be enjoyed, and build a brand you can be proud of. You’ll be your own boss, set your own hours, and have the financial freedom to do what you want. 

However, it’s not easy to just start your own business. There’s a lot that goes into building an effective business model. That’s why many individuals lean on the help of franchises but don’t necessarily like the structure of a franchise.

That’s where Voodoo Brewing Co. comes in.

When you work with Voodoo Brewing Co, you also get flexibility, reassurance, and the support you need to succeed. We make it easy to have the best of both worlds: The freedom and flexibility of owning your own business with the structure and support of a franchise.

It’s time to trade in the 9-5, start working on your dream and build something you can be proud of with Voodoo Brewing Co.

Let’s dive in!


The Franchise Owner Process

We’ve perfected and simplified the franchise owner process for all of our Voodoo brewing owners. Here’s how it all works:

Decide if Voodoo is right for you

To get started, you’ll want to request more information about our business opportunity and see if you’re a good fit for the anti-franchise franchise model we’ve developed. If you’re a born leader that loves to have fun and lives on your own terms: chances are you’re the perfect fit.

Join the Community

If you like what we brew and want to learn more, it’s time to join us at Discovery Day. Discovery Day is where you meet our corporate team (we promise, they aren’t like other corporate teams!). You can ask questions, taste the beer and the food, and get the whole Voodoo Brewing experience. We also take the time to get to know you personally and ensure you’re an excellent fit for us.

Make the Investment 

Next, time to take the plunge and make the investment. Scope out locations, pick a city, and enjoy the ride! Everything from this point on is a pivotal moment in your life. You finally get to say you own your own business and be  your own boss. Take the entire experience in and cherish every moment of it.

We Brew it, and You Sell it

Yeah, you read that right! No need to worry about learning how to brew beer to start a brewery. We set you up with our delicious recipes and deliver them straight to your location. So you can provide your community with the same unreal Voodoo brew taste every damn day.

Make it Your Own

We aren’t like other franchises; we’re a cool franchise. That means you can make everything your own, and we encourage it. What we love about each Voodoo Brewing Co. location is that they’re unique. When you walk into one of our brewpubs, you know you’ll get the same high-quality Voodoo taste, but you’ll get the franchise owner’s personality in the setup, design, and decorations.


Initial Costs

Alright, here’s the nitty-gritty breakdown of the financial costs. We swear we’ll only mention this once because who likes to talk about money? The initial financial investment can differ, depending on the size, location, and equipment. It’s also an all-inclusive investment. That means everything you need in your franchise location is included in the initial investment.

This initial number may seem like a lot of money to drop on a microbrewery. However, keep in mind that the average restaurant financial investment is around $1,047,500. We’ve broken everything down to a science, where there’s less equipment, less cost, and less hassle than starting your own restaurant or brewery.

Take the plunge with Voodoo Brewing Co.

The truth is: Not everyone is cut out for the corporate grind, 9-5 schedule that we’ve all grown accustomed to. Some people want to be more and do more. They want to start working for themselves and building something they can be proud of in the end. 

If you think you’d be a good match for our program: let us know! We want you to succeed just as much as you do, and we can’t wait to welcome you into the Voodoo Brewing Co. community with wide open arms! 

So what are you waiting for? It’s not too late to join in on the great resignation and start living the life you’ve always wanted. 

Request more information today to get started.

David Rivotto is Living the Dream as a Voodoo Franchise Owner… and So Can YOU!

David Rivotto is Living the Dream as a Voodoo Franchise Owner… and So Can YOU!

David Rivotto is Living the Dream as a Voodoo Brewing Co. Franchise Owner… and So Can YOU!

Meet the newest hometown hero coming soon to Indianapolis: David Rivotto. As one of the newest Franchise Owners to join the Voodoo Brewing Co. community, we couldn’t be more excited for him to join our growing community of beer connoisseurs! David is a driven and motivated individual who’s ready to trade in his day job for entrepreneurship.

Let’s take a closer look at David’s journey and see why he’s chosen Voodoo Brewing Franchise.

From selling medical devices to ice-cold brews

David has always been a go-getter with a drive to succeed. Before he decided to open his own bar franchise location, he was a surgical sales representative for a medical device company. Quite the career change!

You may be wondering: What made David want to become an entrepreneur? He mentioned to us, “I didn’t know that I really “wanted” to become an entrepreneur as much as I have had this internal drive and burning in my gut to build, create, start something that produces and thrives.” We couldn’t be more excited that David decided to trade in medical devices for an ice-cold beer.

With Voodoo Brewing, he’ll be able to do more than just build a franchise he can be proud of. He’ll be able to create memories and start a new and different journey than what he’s been doing the last few years.

Outside of Voodoo, David is a workout fanatic, a lifelong learner, and a devoted husband and father! Now that he’s a Franchise Owner, we can now say he’s the complete package!

Meeting the corporate team

We were fortunate enough to meet David at our Discovery Day, and we knew he was a great fit for our franchise business model. The best part is, he knew it, too!

Our corporate team embodies everything it means to be part of Voodoo Brewing Co. If you mesh with them, you mesh with Voodoo. That’s just how it works! Our team is passionate about what they do and wants to see Franchise Owners succeed. When we asked David what he liked about the corporate team, he mentioned, “The genesis of the concept, the journey that has been taken, and the passion that they have for the product.”

That same passion and drive they have, we saw in David too. That’s why we’re so excited to see him thrive as a Franchise Owner.

why voodoo is the anti-franchise franchise

David takes on Discovery Day

When asked how he felt about Discovery Day, he mentioned, “Touring the brewing facility and getting educated on the process, seeing how they are investing in equipment for growth and the future, touring the individual brewery locations, and tasting the menu and the liquid.” If we had to guess, we’re sure tasting the menu and the liquid was his favorite part… but we appreciate him mentioning the rest!

Experiencing the Voodoo difference

It’s no secret that Voodoo Brewing isn’t like the rest. David said what sets Voodoo apart in his eyes is the “ Unique concept of the European Beer Hall experience with upscale pub fare, great craft beer, and a casual and inviting atmosphere without all of the pomp and circumstance of in-house brewing.”

Outside of the upscale pub experience we provide, we also have a killer franchise business model that David was also drawn to while doing his research. He told us he likes that he’s, “…able to keep high margins and costs low in a reproducible format without having the cost and upkeep of brewing equipment and a brewmaster.” We mean it when we say we brew it, and you move it! You can be the hometown hero and bring some of the most reputable craft beers on Earth to your hood without brewing a single keg of craft beer yourself.

Finding success owning a brewpub franchise

We know David will be successful with us because he has three of the most important attributes: drive, determination, and grit. He’s got everything he needs to be successful with us, and we can’t wait to see the mark he leaves on Indianapolis, Indiana. If you’re in the area, stop by, meet David, and see if becoming a Franchise Owner is the right option for you! David has one piece of advice for anyone interested: “Do research, ask questions, do Discovery Day and enjoy the ride.”

We couldn’t agree more. Choosing to switch career paths and learning how to open your own craft beer brewery is no small fret. It takes time, dedication, and commitment. All things that we knew David had, and we’re sure you do too!

Ready to find out if Voodoo Brewing Co. is a good fit for you and your goals? Request more information today.


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    The Seasonality of Beer: Summer Brews!

    The Seasonality of Beer: Summer Brews!

    The Seasonality of Craft Beer: 
    Summer Brews! 

    voodoo brewery franchise bar shot

    We can all agree that not all craft brews are created the same. This is especially true when it comes to seasonal beers. While you can still enjoy your favorite blonde ale, no matter the weather, sometimes the more complex flavors are better for winter. This distinctive difference in taste is purposeful and is why you often see new flavors pop up during the different seasons.

    What is a seasonal craft brew?

    Some beers are considered to be seasonal because of their structure and taste. Traditionally, lighter and refreshing beers are considered summer or spring beers. At the same time, the dark and bold flavors are great for fall and winter. 

    More seasonal beers tend to come out around the holidays. You’ll start to notice pumpkin ales around Halloween or a rich brown ale around Thanksgiving. The notorious Christmas ales always take center stage during December and so on. 

    These beers are seasonal because the complex flavors are more suitable during those months. I mean, does a pumpkin-flavored ale mesh with the hot summer sun?

    Exploring different flavors every month or holiday is part of the beauty of beer. You get to try out new flavors and expand your palate.

    What is a summer beer?

    To keep yourself cool during the summer sun, you’ll need a go-to light-bodied summer brew to help you relax as the temperature rises. Because let’s be honest: anything too full-bodied and heavy might not quench your thirst when the hot weather takes over. 

    Instead of pumpkins and stouts, you’ll likely want a crisper-tasting style. Light lagers and pilsners are light-bodied and not too overwhelming. The crispness makes them a crowd favorite for big summer get-togethers by the pool.

    Blondes and golden ales lean on the sweeter side, with citrus and grapefruit notes. These are considered easy-drinking beers and have a more balanced flavor that pairs beautifully with BBQ foods.

    Last but not least, fruity beers. These beers have a gorgeous red or sunset appearance. They’re crafted with fruits and berries to provide an undeniable sweet taste that’s not too overwhelming. It’s like biting into fresh fruit with every sip!

    voodoo brewery franchise bar shot

    Voodoo summer brews

    Summer consists of long summer nights, perfect weather, and the beach. It’s about BBQs and cookouts with your family. Weekend vacations and pool parties. Since you’ll most likely be on the go, you’ll need a light and easy beer to have by your side to get you through the day.


    No European adventures planned for the summer? No worries, you can get the same experience with our imperialized European-style lager. This lager blends characteristics of our favorite continental lagers with bold hop additions. We like to think of this as an American take on one of the world’s most classic styles.  

    Voodoo Love Child 

    Fruit beers are a popular choice during the summer months. They’re easy to drink and full of flavor. Nothing pairs better with the delicious taste of cherries, raspberries, and passion fruit like a warm summer day. If you’re looking for something sweet and sour to satisfy your sweet tooth, this Belgian Tripel, Our Voodoo Love Child, is the one for you. It’s the perfect craft brew to end your day with friends, sitting out on your porch or in your backyard. 

    Beach Gear

    Picture this, the sun is out, the weather is warm, and you’ve spent a long day in the sun. Whether it was out on a hike, on the beach, or just hanging out by the pool: you’ll need a crisp, light beer like our Beach Gear to quench your thirst. Beach Gear is light and fruity with the perfect hint of apricots. It’s our go-to brew for a summer day because no matter what you have planned, you can’t go wrong with the taste. 

    Good Vibes

    Let’s set the scene: it’s a Saturday, and you’re having a family BBQ with your friends. You’re hanging by the pool all day, listening to music, and enjoying good company. The only thing that could make the day even more perfect is if you had an ice chest full of our West Coast IPA. This brew has dank tropical fruit notes and is a must-have for anyone who loves the taste of a solid IPA. This is a little more on the heavier side compared to other summer brews, but it’s worth it. You’ll have good vibes and good times all summer long. What more could you ask for from a brew?

    Get the full brew experience, no matter the season

    With our Voodoo craft beer franchise opportunities, you can take your love of beer to the next level. You’ll be able to provide everyone in your neighborhood with seasonal beer favorites to compliment all their summertime plans. 

    The best part is that you don’t need to worry about crafting the perfect summer taste or finding the perfect balance between refreshing and sweet. We’ve already done it for you. We brew it, and you move it! You’ll be the hometown hero with all their favorite summer brews ready. What more could anyone ever need?

    If you’re ready to help our neighborhood combat the summer heat in the best way ever and open up your own franchise, request information today. We promise you won’t regret it. Even if you’re more of a winter beer kind of person… Don’t worry; we have beer for that too.

    Own an anti-corporate, pro-fun brewery franchise.

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